It's no secret that I am a heavy fan of Luna van Roosen and found her books, when she debuted, to be head and shoulders above other stories. My enthusiasm was particularly high; I was truly amazed by her talent.
But she's got company at the top! Emmelie Arents' debut, The Heart of the Eagle, although a completely different story, has exactly the same effect on me. Because what a story! It really has everything I look for in a good fantasy. Compelling, beautiful symbolism, a fantastic main character, magic, a good storyline, suspense and elements that make the hearts of fantasy lovers beat faster.
Once I started, I was sucked into the world she created, per se, only to come out again when I turned the last page. Because to put it away? That's impossible. Even my much-loved coffee had gone cold; I had forgotten about it radiantly.
About the story itself: Joana is accused of casting a heart spell on her fiancé. This form of magic is strictly forbidden by the king. The story therefore opens immediately with a bang: Joana in her cell, listening to her fiancé being tortured. This immediately creates curiosity, for what happened prior to this incarceration and eventual execution?
The king, however, has other plans than putting Joana's head on the chopping block. A faction, the Eagles, is rebelling against his regime and in doing so they shun nothing. Among them are several conjurers so the king is assembling his own army of conjurers. Joana is trained to stop the Eagles, but as a result, her own feelings and motivation are compromised. Because of events in the past, her allegiance is more likely to go to the rebels. It is therefore a constant battle within her to whom she should be loyal without losing herself.
Emmelie's strength is her enormous enthusiasm and ability to put together thoughtful stories. The passion for fantasy and, of course, this story splashes off the pages. Not for a moment does it feel unrealistic. It is clear that the author has thought about all facets and has the gift of storytelling. The build-up is dosed and the tension builds ever so slightly. Certain events you definitely see coming, with others she first puts you on the wrong foot.
What does stand out is that this story could easily have consisted of several parts. Still, it's a good thing she didn't. Because despite occasional big jumps in time, the whole thing is very well fleshed out, the characters are unparalleled in depth, and it by no means moves too quickly or is rambling. On the contrary. Because of these jumps, the pace is high and it's nice that after reading the plot you don't have to fret about how this will ever end. But that the author has what it takes to write multiple parts of a story is definitely one thing that is certain.
All in all, The Heart of the Eagle is a debut that may go straight to the top as far as I am concerned. If this is just the beginning, it is clear to me that if Emmelie continues to grow as an author, she should never stop writing. Her narrative style clearly shows that she was born for this. And that she has something to say is one thing for sure! Her writing style carries you along and reads so pleasantly that the world around you fades away. I wouldn't call it cinematic, although that's closest. In fact, it is much more than that. Her words are almost magical in themselves and they are enchantingly intertwined into this wonderful debut and adventure. Highly recommended!