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Blind revenge - Nina Verheij - Psychological thriller - Hamleybooks

It seems like a perfectly normal morning for young detective Emily Gagliardi. But then she finds the body of a woman on the roof next to her balcony. The woman is beautifully laid out as Lady Justice, with a blindfold, scales and sword. Only Emily has no idea who she is. Should the detective see the body as a warning that she herself is next, or is there another reason behind the woman's presence? Soon Emily and the team discover similarities to the crimes of a 1990s serial killer.

ISBN: 9789464208504 – NUR 332 - FHX
Number of pages: 380
Publication date: November 2021


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Memory Game

The wrong perpetrator has been detained for your father's death. Ever since Emily was told these words, the young detective has been haunted by questions. Why did the man who was jailed confess and who was actually the shooter?

Who is Nina?

Nina Verheij (b. 1984) is a Dutch author with a weakness for poffertjes and her cat Emmy. She was just born in Amsterdam, but moved to Hillegom in the bulb region as a 6-week-old little toddler with cradle and all.

Her first slightly more serious writing effort as a child was a story about kittens born from a cake. That creative masterpiece remained in her elementary school's library for several years after she gave it to them as a gift when she finished 8th grade.

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