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J.B. Ocean

From girlfriends to author duo


J.B. Ocean

Novel Authors

J.B. Ocean (1976) is a writing duo consisting of two girlfriends, Joke Vander Aa and Barbara De Smedt.From their home base Antwerp and recently also Portugal they, each with their families, enjoy life.

Barbara: 'I'm a real bookworm, I'm afraid, ever since I was little. Sunday was the highlight of my week, when we went with the whole family to the Antwerp city library, which I soon finished reading. I can still see myself sitting there in the reading corner, with a cushion behind my back and a stack of books in front of me. My idea of heaven. I also wrote stories and occasionally started a "book" or a "script," some of which I still have today, but none of which ever got finished. It ended up taking more than thirty years before I could really call myself a writer.'

Joke: "My chaotic mind has been leading me to new adventures all my life. When I was younger it was mainly limited to dreams. Later I took action. The bon vivant in me loves to explore new paths and take in all the beauty, love and good things I encounter. Somewhere along the way, I received two beautiful daughters as gifts, got a wedding ring, and got to know wonderful people who I can call my friends. Blue is one of the adventures in my life that I was privileged to have with one of those girlfriends. It has been a wonderful story in itself to write the book. Where the future takes me I leave somewhere to chance, but reading and writing will probably always be there. Indeed, words, in all their forms, are one of the few things that bring me peace.'

They debuted in June 2019 with "Blue," a novel they self-published. The book was noticed by Hamley Books after a few weeks and was partially reworked and re-released in spring 2020.

Books by J.B. Ocean to read


Antwerp gallery owner Olivia has been struggling with guilt and grief for years. Her friend Ella is the only one who knows her secret.
When Olivia sees no way out, Ella thinks it's time for Olivia to tell the truth about what happened that summer in Normandy. But then it turns out that Olivia is not the only one keeping things quiet, and a search for answers begins. Blue is a story centered on friendship. It is a novel about love and loneliness in which family is the common thread, even if that thread is broken.

ISBN: 9789463967037
Publication date: February 11, 2020
Blue - J.B Ocean

Cherry Red & Kriekezot

'From the first page, J.B. Ocean's warm style embraces you. It is exciting and beautiful at the same time. You are drawn into the story and you won't get out.' - Veronique's Book Corner 'A heartwarming story set in beautiful Antwerp. This feelgood is about Charlie, she is thirty-five and single. She runs a trendy breakfast and lunch bar in Antwerp's Sint-Andriesplaats and has a nice life, although she sometimes feels a bit lonely. With the help of her friends, she sets out to find a date, but then she receives a letter that turns her life upside down. Early 1980s: although Georgina is engaged to Bertrand, she does not feel that he is the one. This is confirmed when the handsome Paolo kisses her during a sultry Italian summer. Unfortunately, fate interferes with their romance and Georgina is faced with a tearful choice. Since then, she has never eaten cherries. Also looking for a beautiful romance book?

ISBN: 9789464510782
Publication date: May 24, 2022
Cherry Red & Cherry Pot - J.B. Ocean - Feelgood - HamleyBooks

What readers say

Below are some reviews of J.B. Ocean's books. Be sure to leave your review too or put them on your reading list! 

J.B Ocean behind the scenes

We both love nature and enjoy taking long walks with our dog. Joke likes to draw, Barbara is a music fanatic. Although we are very different, we always find each other in the few moments we hear or see each other.

We prefer to do this with a glass somewhere on a sunny terrace. When we're not working or busy with our family, we obviously enjoy reading, usually that one more chapter before bed. Griet op de Beeck and Liane Moriarty, for example, are authors we can both enjoy.

beach, hats, ocean

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