Lotte van den Noort
Young Adult author
Lotte van den Noort (1995) is a Dutch author, born in the Brabant municipality of Helmond. Since the moment she knew how to handle pen and paper, Lotte has been writing many short stories in notebooks, which she then proudly and enthusiastically read to the class. Her teacher told her even then that he had confidence in her.
After Lotte read an article at 14 about a young girl who published her own book, she thought, "I can do that too!
Her first novel came out from Boekscout when Lotte was 14, since then she has written seven more books, each published through Boekscout, self-publishing and through a small publisher that stopped publishing in 2019.
Charlotte's passion lies with historical stories. Her mother already told her that she has an "old soul. Sometimes Lotte herself thinks she was born in the wrong time. Indeed, she finds stories set in the past very interesting and moving.
Her debut at Hamley Books Unsinkable was released in spring 2021 and was nominated for the 2022 Young Jury debut award. In addition to Unsinkable came Unwritable out from Hamley Books. In 2023, the last book in the "un-able" series will; Unlikable, seeing the light!
Besides writing, Lotte works 40 hours as a Content Marketer at a marketing agency in Helmond, which is where she can put her passion and energy. For this she followed the training to media designer. In her first year of college, she discovered the brush and canvas and from then on, in addition to writing and design, Lotte had a new hobby to take up: painting.