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Hamley's birthday - Sandra J Paul - Hamleybooks

Hamley's birthday - Sandra J. Paul

Meet Hamley, the black kitten that understands people. Together with her sisters and her mother, she lives in a cozy house, and is pampered by her owner Viola.

Viola has a birthday, and with a birthday comes cake. Only, Hamley's sisters and mother tell her: animals never get cake, and their birthdays are never celebrated. So Hamley decides to change this. She ends up in a bakery.

For ages 7 and up

ISBN:9789464208221 – NUR 280
Number of pages
:  110


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Who is Sandra?

Sandra J. Paul is a multi-faceted cross-genre author best known for her suspenseful children's books, paranormal Young Adult and psychological thrillers.

Sandra J Paul - Hamley Books

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