Two brothers. One wife. A toxic inheritance. A suspenseful whodunnit in the style of Agatha Christie.

Seventeen-year-old Victor, along with his best friend, is picked off the field in his commune of Sint-Amands and sent to the Westhoek, to fight in a terrible war.
Surrounded by the smell of death, Victor soon realizes that all hope is long gone in the trenches. As the battle rages briskly around him, he finds himself encountering more and more. Moreover, despair grows among the soldiers. What if this war never ends?
With an eye for detail, Trench Hell(d) feels like the autobiography of a young soldier who ends up in hell against his will. This unique, atypical war book, gives a special perspective on World War I, as if you were there yourself.
The gripping short stories describing Victor's life were written by Sandra J. Paul.
Complemented by moving poems written by Marc Geyens, Trench Hell(d) is a book that will stay with you for a long time.
ISBN:12345698 – NUR 285
Number of pages: 284
A very special book by Sandra J. Paul. Trench Hell(d) is a collaboration between Marc Geysens. Sandra tells the story of Victor a teenager who has to survive in the trenches of Belgium during the First World War. The story is interspersed with Geysens' poems. There is also a framing storyline showing the great, great-grandchildren and how they learn Victor's story. With this story, Sandra shows that she has put a great story on paper. The story manages to take you into the horrors of two wars through the eyes of 3 generations. Short on the heels of her most personal story Heart Beat comes another story that manages to stir. Sandra J. Paul is, in my opinion, the most versatile author of our time. Trench Hell(d) is highly recommended.
This war book had been waiting to be read for some time and actually I regret not having done so much earlier.
A beautiful and moving story about a young soldier sent (then a minor) to the war front in the Westhoek. What follows is a pure nightmare that was narrated so descriptively that it seems you are in those trenches with him.
But what grabbed me the most was the main character's experience after the war. Post-traumatic stress, a life defined by his experiences during that war. Hard but realistic. A wonderful book that makes you wonder again why we even go to war.
I never thought I would ever give a book about World War I a chance, but given the time of year we are in and the fact that war should never be forgotten, I still bought this book and gave it a chance. What a story. So beautifully and movingly written, it really grabbed me. Victor is a young man of 17 who is forced to go to fight at the front in 1917. You follow his life story through the eyes of his son and grandchildren, as well as through his own eyes. A gripping story that really moved me. Victor was just an ordinary guy who wanted to survive. That really stuck with me. Very, very beautiful.
This book grabbed me. Never did I think a war book would grab me like this. I usually stay away from stories like that, I'll admit honestly.
Victor is a seventeen-year-old young man who is literally plucked off the field from his community to go fight at the Westhoek.
The man has already been through a lot, but when he finds himself in the middle of battle, his life becomes truly hellish.
This story did not really happen, but it feels that way. You follow the course of the man's life as if you were there yourself. An incredibly gripping book that I genuinely enjoyed.
Sandra J. Paul is a multi-faceted cross-genre author best known for her suspenseful children's books, paranormal Young Adult and psychological thrillers.
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